De Stijl | Volkskrant Magazine

De Stijl | Volkskrant Magazine

I was asked to portray 4 leading Dutch design studios and their latest products for the design issue of Volkskrant Magazine (2018). For this occasion I invited design studio’s LONK (founded by Celine de Waal Malefijt) and JAY KAY (founded by Jorien Kenmerink) to collaborate with me. The sets are built with black wooden beams and colored cellophane, assembled in interesting optical perspectives, captured from a specific point of view. Both the set design and the products provide a modern perspective on De Stijl, which celebrates it’s 100th birthay this year. Portrayed are: Scholten & Baijings, Maarten Baas, Raw Color and Sabine Marcelis.


Client: Volkskrant Magazine

Photography: Aisha Zeijpveld, Art direction in collaboration with Studio Lonk and Jay Kay Studio

Set design: Studio Lonk and Jay Kay Studio

Realisation and design: SansPlus

Photography assistants: Eva Roefs and Timo Steenvoorden

Jeroen Spitzenberger & Eelco Smits | Volkskrant Magazine 

Portraits of Dutch actors Jeroen Spitzenberger & Eelco Smits for Volkskrant Magazine (2016).


Client: Volkskrant Magazine

Photography and concept: Aisha Zeijpveld

Photography assistants: Louise Brenneke, Merel Klaassen, Timo Steenvoorden and Mila Dijkema