Eva Jinek | LINDA magazine

Eva Jinek | LINDA magazine

Portraits of Dutch-American journalist and presenter Eva Jinek for the anniversary issue of LINDA magazine (2021).


Photography and concept: Aisha Zeijpveld

Art direction and set design in collaboration with Jay Kay Studio
Styling: Thomas Vermeer

MUAH: Magdalena Loza

Photography Assistant: Chantal van den Broek


Circular View

Campaign images made in collaboration with grapic designer Len Rooth for This Art Fair 2016.


Photography: Aisha Zeijpveld
Concept and art-direction: Aisha Zeijpveld and Len Rooth
Graphic Design: Len Rooth
Photography assistants: Timo Steenvoorden, Emily Koo and Lies Lambregts
Model: Sabine van der Vooren