Pixels | Studio LONK

Pixels | Studio LONK

Pixels (2016) is a series of portraits showing the talented staff members of Studio LONK. A photo set, inspired by low res images. Material pixels are suspended in the air by fish wire, and create an interesting depth in the image.


Client: Studio LONK

Photography: Aisha Zeijpveld

Art direction and concept: Studio LONK and Aisha Zeijpveld

Set elements and wardrobe styling: Studio LONK

Photography assistants: Berend van Breda, Emily Koo and Lies Lambregts

Tailor-made hotel concepts for millennials | FRAME Magazine 

I was asked to illustrate the theme ‘Tailor-made hotel concepts for millennials ’ for the cover of Frame Magazine (2016).


Client: FRAME Magazine
Photography and set: Aisha Zeijpveld
Cover design: Studio&, Barbara Iwanicka
Wardrobe Styling: Lise de Natris
Model: Ian Comvalius